Neural Consult

Empowering Your Medical Education with Personalized AI Tools

Unlimited Board Questions, Anki cards, Clinical Simulations, and more
Trusted by students at top medical schools
Northwestern MedicineStanford MedicineMichigan StatePittsburgUNC
Northwestern MedicineStanford MedicineMichigan StatePittsburgUNC
Application Features

Custom, on-demand, and dynamic AI learning tools

Generate Questions
Generate Questions

Create unlimited board-style questions on any topic of your choice

Anki Generator

Create limitless Anki cards from multimedia uploads, including lecture slides, notes, and more

Anki Generator
Anki Generator
BackgroundDifferential Diagnosis
Clinical Case Simulator

Carry out realistic clinical case simulations using artificial intelligence

Lecture Summaries
Lecture Summaries

Summarize lecture materials with a click of a button

Differential Diagnosis
OSCE Case Simulator

Generate a differential diagnosis on any simulated case

OSCE Case Simulator

Want to stay update to on our latest features? Join our email list!


Student stories


Medical Student

quotes     The ease of use of Neural Consult's Anki card generator has completely transformed my study sessions. What used to take me hours of manual effort—sifting through textbooks and notes to create flashcards—is now. This tool's intuitive design allows me to quickly generate personalized Anki cards on any topic, saving me countless hours and making my study time far more productive.


Medical Student

quotes     Neural Consult's unlimited multiple-choice question generator has been pivotal for my Step 2 preparation. The limitless pool of questions, tailored to my study needs, keeps me engaged and tests my knowledge on a wide range of medical topics. Each session is a new challenge, ensuring that I'm not just memorizing answers but truly understanding the material.


Medical Student

quotes     Neural Consult is a game changer. From the differential diagnosis tool that sharpens my clinical reasoning to the lecture summarization feature that distills complex information into key points, each tool has been a cornerstone in my learning journey. The Anki card generator and OSCE simulation further complement my studies by enhancing my memorization skills and preparing me for clinical examinations with realistic practice scenarios. I only wish this existed when I started medical school.


Medical Student

quotes     The lecture summarization feature from Neural Consult has become a major part of my study routine, saving me a significant amount of time while ensuring I don't miss out on crucial information. The quality of the summaries is exceptional—concise, yet comprehensive, covering all the key points from lengthy lectures in a format that's easy to digest and review. The succinct, high-quality summaries ensure that I can quickly grasp complex topics, making my learning process both more efficient and more effective.


Medical Student

quotes     Neural Consult's AI-powered clinical simulator has revolutionized my medical training, offering a realistic and personalized learning experience. The technology adapts to my learning curve, presenting challenging scenarios that enhance my clinical skills. Immediate feedback after each session has been invaluable in refining my decision-making abilities.

Chris Mbakaren

Twitter Users

quotes     This is different from all AI tools I've consulted to generate answers to past questions and for differential diagnosis. Great tool to facilitate my studies.

Our Story

Helping future medical providers harness AI

Dendritic Health AI, LLC was founded to change the game in healthcare education. Driven by the latest breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, we are dedicated to reshaping the landscape of medical learning. Our mission is to provide cutting-edge tools and resources that cater to every stage of education, empowering aspiring healthcare professionals to reach new heights of knowledge and expertise.

Dendritic Health AI, LLC History

Ready to make studying easier?

Try us out now!

Prepare for your next medical exam with Neural Consult. Use Artificial Intelligence to create a personalized study tool just for you!

Frequently asked questions



  • Ask any medical question you can think of through the search bar on the Home page!

Best practices:


  • Be as specific as possible. The more clear, concise, and specific your question, the better your answer will be.
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  • Re-phrase if the answer is not exactly what you want. Sometimes getting the best output requires a few tries!
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  • Use a limited number of acronyms.



  • Question generator is designed to create unlimited practice questions on any topic you’re looking to study!
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  • Input either form-based criteria (e.g. system, topic, exam) OR directly upload a lecture you’re studying to provide question topics for generation.
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  • Question difficulty can be tailored by inputting the exam in which you are studying (e.g. USMLE Step 2 CK)
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  • The max number of questions generated at once can be 10.
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  • There are detailed explanations for each question after selecting the correct answer.

Best practices:


  • Make sure to provide an adequate level of detail in the required fields.
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  • If the questions aren’t what you hoped for, make sure to run the feature again. The quality can vary, and it’s best to try again with different wording.
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  • Check the lecture summary that is output before generating the questions. Bad information in will give you bad information out!



  • Create a list of potential medical diagnoses given a theoretical patient history.
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  • This can be used to hone in your diagnosis skills by broadening your ideas or potential diagnoses.
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  • Do not input protected health information (PHI) from real patients. See Terms and Conditions.

Best practices:


  • More details creates a more accurate differential. Remember that seemingly minor details such as age makes all the difference in diagnosis likelihood!
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  • Run the function again with minor changes to see how that might effect diagnosis likelihood!.



  • Take any lecture and upload it to Neural Consult to generate a text summary for your notes!
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  • You can also use the summary to generate Anki flash cards or custom boards-style multiple choice questions on-demand.

Best practices:


  • Make sure you are uploading a lecture that is amendable to a summary. For example, a lecture that is mainly images or review questions do not make for a great text summary.
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  • Be sure to use .pptx or .pdf files for your upload. If the file is in another format, convert it to a PDF.



  • Take any lecture and free text and convert it to up to 25 cloze deletion Anki cards!
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  • You can edit the cards on the site and download a .apkg file which is directly compatible with the Anki software.
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  • This feature can also be accessed within the Lecture Summary feature.

Best practices:


  • Make sure the text lecture summary or input text field is ideal before generating cards.
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  • Ensure there are cloze deletions in the generated cards. If they are not present, generate cards again or edit within the output text!